The Purpose of this is to outline the policies and procedures under which I operate as a licensed group family child care provider.  I give the children in my care opportunities to learn in a clean, safe, comfortable family-like setting where they can play and learn with guidance and in mixed age group.  Your child will receive quality personal and individualized care where they will feel safe and loved.  They will have the opportunity to gain development in cognitive, physical, and psycho-social behavior.  They will also gain practice in self-help and begin to build a positive self-image. 

Enrollment procedures
Registration or Enrollments procedures are required by the state.  The following forms are to be completed and signed prior to placement.
 -Registration form: signed by parent or guardian
 -Emergency contact and/ Authorization for pick-up form
 -Child health, Medical and immunization record completed by children's physician
 -All about me form/Chronic Illness

 -Photo release form
-Nap Consent
-Signed contract/Food program

*All forms must be updated every year or according to any changes.  Physicals and food program forms are renewed once a year.
These policies of the contract will be effective upon acceptance by the parent/guardian and the Child Care Provider.

Daycare Hours
Monday thru Friday   7:00Am-6:00Pm
Non-traditional Hours or Overtime is considered anytime outside the contracted time interval, time before 7:00Am or after 6:00Pm.  Advance notice and overtime fee is required (phone call a few hrs. before is fine)
Over night stays will be served dinner at 7Pm and snacks.  Over night consent must be signed prior to the stay. 
No drop-ins as I am limited to the capacity of children I can care for.

No child is permitted after 9:15 AM unless they have a doctors or appointment note.  This helps keep things in order during the day.
*Our daycare schedule is designed to fit any parents busy schedule.

Sign In/Out
Anyone & everyone who enters or exits the daycare facility will have to sign the "Sign in/out sheet". This is mandatory to keep track of all people that passes through and for the safety of your child(ren). 
*Please don't forget & make it a habit to sign, thank you!

*To ensure the safety of your child, only parents/guardians may pick-up your child.  Phone call in advance prior to anyone other than yourself who will be picking up your child is fine as long as they are listed on the authorization pick up form. ID is required if it is the first time picking up a child.

*Please do not let your children walk to the door by themselves at drop-off.  Please walk them to the door and greet me, this will give me an opportunity to discuss things in person.

Field Trips/Special Guest Speakers
Field Trips
We will be going on outings such as field trips or local places in the general area.  All trips are scheduled with prior notice and require a signed permission slip from parents in order for their child to participate.  All fees are responsible by the parents, when necessary.  You may be asked to leave your child’s car seat for me to use for your child during field trips, which will be returned to you that same day.  Parents may be asked to join us on field trips.
*It is not mandatory that your child attend these trips, but you will be responsible to provide back-up childcare for your child if your child can not attend.
*All children under 3 will be in approved car seats, under 5 in booster seats, and over 5 restrained in seat belts.

Tuition Payments
*All payments will be made prior to attending the program.
Full Time Childcare
All payments will be received on Monday of every week .  If fees are not paid, your child can not attend until the payment is received.  I will consider your spot to be open and you will run the risk of your childcare spot being filled by another family.  If payments are requested to be paid on Friday, a one week deposit is required.
There are no refunds for full time Child Care in absences due to child’s illness, Holidays, late arrivals/early departures or any other reason.  Full tuitions are required regardless of whether or not your child attends in order to hold your child's spot. 
No refunds are given for early departures for full-time childcare.
Overtime / extended hour payments will be calculated and added into your total weekly services.

Payment will be made by cash or by personal checks ONLY.  There will be a $25 charge for all checks returned N.S.F. plus any charges incurred to myself and /or by the bank.  Parents who have two or more N.S.F. checks will be required to pay by cash.
Late payment fee will be $5/day when payment is not received.  There will be a one day grace period (Tuesday). Starting from Wednesday, $5 will be charged for each late day.  Continued late payment will result in termination of our contract.

Parents are responsible to call in advance to notify that their child will not be attending the Daycare.  For any other reasons, illness, or personal please call between 7:00-8:00AM. (Please leave a detailed message if not answered.)
I will provide a substitute or alternative child care provider if I am unable to care for your child due to illness or personal reasons.  I will notify parents in advance.
Please notify me 1 week in advance when you plan to take any vacations in order to hold your child’s spot.  Payments will be due the last day of attendance for the rest of the week as well as during the time they are not attending.  Payments for holding your child's spot is important for both the parent and provider. It is a guarantee for your child's spot and a reassurance for the provider of return attendance.
I will also notify parents of any vacations I plan to take 4-8 weeks in advance.  Parents are responsible for finding back-up care during providers absence.

All NYC public school closings

Under severe or threatening weather conditions we will be closed.

Health Matters
Please do not bring your child if he/she is sick.  I can only care for children with mild cold like symptoms (clear runny nose, slight cough, and no fever).  For Health Department regulations children will NOT be allowed to attend the daycare if they show symptoms such as:
 -Fever (100 degrees or higher)-child needs to be fever free for 24hrs without the aid of medication.
 -Diarrhea-child must be symptom free for 24 hrs without the aid of medication.
 -Vomiting-child must be symptom free for 24 hrs without the aid of medication.
 -Runny nose with colored discharge-check with doctor.
 -Rash-check with doctor.
 -Discharge from eyes or ears-check with doctor.
 -Lice-child needs to be treated and nits removed before returning.
-Unusual drowsiness
 -Persistent or excessive crying
-Communicable Diseases- chicken pox, measles, mumps, conjunctivitis (pink eye), influenza etc.  *The child may return when the incubation and contagious period is passed and the child is well enough to resume normal childcare activities.
*If you are not sure your child is well enough to attend please call and discuss it with me.  A sick child should recuperate fully at home after an illness so that the other children or families involved and the provider do not risk unnecessary exposure.  I have the right to refuse to care for a sick child and or will contact parents if they become ill during daycare.  You or your emergency contact person will be required to pick your child immediately.  Your child may return to daycare after being symptom free for 24hrs without the aid of medication.

I am responsible for the health and well being of many children so I will closely follow health department regulations when it comes to illness. 
I understand and respect your need to be at work, but your cooperation is extremely important on this.

Any child on antibiotics continues to be contagious 24 hrs after the first dose of medication and can not return to childcare until this time has passed. 
Child care regulations prohibit me from giving your child medication of any kind. 
Medical Emergencies
Our daycare will make every effort to keep your children safe through supervision and childproofing.  Minor injuries will receive appropriate first aid, and if an emergency injury or illness occurs, you will be contacted immediately.  If I am unable to contact either parent, I will call the emergency contact number supplied to me to make the medical decisions for the child.  If necessary your child will be transported by ambulance to the nearest hospital.  An emergency report will be completed and a copy will be given to the parents.  Parents are responsible for costs involved in emergency medical treatment, including emergency transportation if required.
 It is extremely important, especially in instances of illness or emergency that the emergency contact information is up to date and all information is correct.  Please report any changers immediately to keep your emergency contact information current.

Meals and Snacks
I will provide nutritious breakfast, lunch and snacks.  Children are offered the food, never forced to eat.   Children who request or require more meals or snacks or take smaller portions many times throughout the day than provided by our program will be asked to be provided by parents.
All utensils, cups, dishes and napkin will be supplied.  Anything else your child need to eat will be supplied by the parent (sippy cup, bottle, etc.)
If your child will be arriving after mealtime please feed them before they arrive.
If your child requires a special diet due to allergies, medications, age and/or cultural or religious beliefs please list it in the about me form.  No junk food, pop, candy, or gum, should be sent with children.

Infants need to be provided formula/breast milk and baby food until age one when table food is started.

Breakfast is served from 8:30-9:00 am.  Please make sure your child has breakfast at home if they are arriving after 9:00 Am

Potty Training
I will assist or carryover with potty training at the Daycare with the understanding that it is not done before the child is ready.  Parents MUST start training at home before starting at Daycare.  Once training is initiated parents are to supply enough pull-ups or underwear, extra pants and socks.  Clothing should be easy to manage to encourage self help skills.  Buckles, belts, overalls and suspenders when in a hurry to use the bathroom may cause a problem.

Diaper Changes
Diapers are checked and changed every 1 ½ to 2 hours or more frequently if necessary.  Also after naps and before departure.  Parents are responsible for supplying diapers, wipes, ointments and creams that you would like me to use for your child.  We will notify when supplies need to be replenished. 

We do our best to maintain strict cleanliness and hygiene standards. 
My staff (including myself) will be requested to have a medical examination/physical examination which needs to be signed by their physician. When ill,  s(he) will not be able to work until they are free of symptoms for 24hrs.

We will practice our daycare Infection Control Procedures . Which will include policies such as:
 1. Properly Hand washing (before and after diaper changes, food preparation, eating meals or snacks, feeding, recess, using the restroom, cleaning up, etc.) and assisting children in washing their hands.
 2. Using gloves for extra protection (when in contact with blood or other body fluids).
 3. Keeping surfaces clean with germicidal solutions.
 4. Placing contaminated clothing into secure plastic bags.
 5. Proper diaper techniques and sanitizing changing surfaces.
 6. Proper toileting procedures and hand washing.
 7. Sanitizing and properly mixing and using the solution.
 8. Keeping the food preparation areas properly sanitized.
 9. Sanitizing equipments, toys, and objects at all times.
*Children’s hands are washed before and after meals, after recess, after crafting and after using the restroom.  We use antibacterial hand soap and hand sanitizer on all our children as well as myself and our staff.

Supplies needed
Please send with your child a school bag including the following:
 -Composition notebook (communication notebook between parent and myself)
-Diapers, wipes, creams, ointment, powder etc.
-One plastic zip lock bag marked "CLEAN" with an extra change of clothes (we will keep in their cubby),
-One plastic zip lock bag marked "SOILED".  We will send home any soiled clothing.
*Please send back the emptied bag.

-Blanket or sleeping bag and a small pillow for nap/rest time
 -Bottles, formulas, baby food
Any other supplies needed will be notified to the parents (for field trips or a special theme).
*All belongings should be marked with your child’s name.

I provide a wide variety of toys and playthings.  Please do not bring any toys from home.  Anything brought from home will be put away in safety after arrival until departure.  I will not be responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged toys brought from home.
Only exception to this policy are:
 - A special blanket OR stuffed animal/doll used during nap/rest time (this will be put away in safety until used or departure)
 -Show and tell.  I will inform you ahead of time, we will ask your child to bring an item from home according to the theme of that day or week.
*Toys and Equipments are cleaned with sanitizing solution everyday after all children has departed from the facility .

It is expected that your child be respectful of my personal property and furnishings.  The regular “wear and tear” is normal, but if your child intentionally damages my property through destructive behavior, you will be liable 100% of replacement costs. This reimbursement will be due with your next payment.

Nap/rest Time
All children under the age of 5yrs will have a nap/rest period.  No child is forced to sleep, however they must remain quiet.  We will provide each child with a mat to sleep/rest on.  It will be the parents responsibility to provided their child(ren) with a blanket or sleeping bag and a small pillow which will be stored here (in their personal cubby) during the week and sent home (on their last day here of the week) to be cleaned and resent.  Those who choose not to sleep will be provided with quiet activities during this time. 
Infants will have a separate sleeping area and be provided with a crib.  Parents will provide their infant with a blanket which will be stored here (in their personal cubby) during the week and will be sent home (on their last day here of the week) to be cleaned and resent.
*Any blankets soiled will be sent home that day.
I advise to have a few back-up blanket or sleeping bag in case of an accident during the week.
*Please do not drop-off/pick-up or call during this time. 

TV Viewing
TV viewing is not scheduled into their daily routine. 
Any exeption to TV viewing would be as follows:
During preparation of meals (breakfast,lunch or snack)
Children who choose not to sleep during nap time
On rainy days in place of our door play
 *We will have a “movie day” at the end of the week (usually Friday) where I will pick a movie for the children to watch.  

Circle Time:  Involves story telling, singing, dancing, exercises etc...

Project Time:  There will be a project or Arts and Craft where children can practice their imagination skills, fine motor skills and creative skills.
Recess (Indoor/Outdoor):  Indoor recess is very structured,  we will all participate in activities that will get us physically moving, stretching  and exercising.
During Outdoor recess we will engage in group games.  During free-play play they can have great time playing with our spiral swingset, monkey bars, jungle gym, castle slide, slides, collection of bikes, ride on tractor's, mowers, spring horses, jump ropes, basket ball hoop, sand boxes, gardening, etc. This is great practice for their large motor skills.  The outdoor play area is fenced in and also always supervised.  Please dress your child appropriately according to the weather & send extra change in clothes and socks, they get messy!
Nap/Rest Time:  Before nap/rest time children get special time to wind down, we read stories, poems or rhymes, and sing bedtime songs to the children.  We have soft music playing to soothe and comfort them.
Music/Game Time:  Each children will get to pick out an instrument that they would like to play.  We will dance and sing in our “Kangaroo Band”. 
We will have fun games planned according to our “theme” (scavenger hunt, treasure hunt, obstacle coarse for example).
Sensory Activity: Guessing game for our 5 senses (visual, smell, taste, touch, and hear). 
Dramatic Play:  Children will be able to practice their pretend skills, imagination skills and role play skills.
Circle Time (Review Time):  We will end our day with reviewing what we learned, sing songs, read books, poems/rhymes. We will talk about what we liked most about our day, what we didn’t and funny things that happened to us. 

*Topics that are included in “our theme” and taught/reviewed weekly are:
Colors, shapes, numbers, letters.

Behavior Goals
At Playtime At Nayna's we use ONLY positive reinforcement.  This can be achieved by Praise, Re-Direct and Respect along with Consistency, Firmness, and LOVE.  Children will be coached to problem solving on their own by negotiating, compromise or brainstorm.  Rarely will I give a time out, unless they are hurting themselves, others or property.  The child will be separated from the group for a child-regulated period of time until they are ready to demonstrate acceptable behavior.  During this time I will stay with the child and explain the rules of the daycare.  They will then be encouraged to join the rest of the group with a hug and try again.
When a child’s behavior is continually upsetting or dangerous to others, or myself a conference will be called with the parents so that we can jointly decide on a coarse of action that is followed at home and in my care.  If the problem can not be resolved, arrangements will have to be made for the child to go elsewhere for care.

Child Abuse
I am required by the law to report to the local Social Services Office/Children’s Protective Service of any suspected or obvious physical, emotional, sexual or suspected abuse or neglect.

Open Door Policy
Our Daycare door is always open to parents who would like to come and see how their child is doing.  “Open door” does not mean we keep the doors unlocked =)  Please feel free to drop in and visit your child.  Please call in advance when planning to visit.  Please avoid visiting or calling during nap/rest time.

As a team in raising your child I feel communication is extremely important.  Please feel free to discuss any needs, wants, or concerns regarding your child.  Our ways in communicating can be through our communication book, phone, letter, one on one scheduled conference, our Website, or email. 
*It is my responsibility to let the parents know if the child seems unhappy and also the parents responsibility to let me know the same.

Termination of the contract must be made with 2 week prior notice.  Parents will be responsible for payments of the last 2 weeks of attendance whether they finish their last two weeks or not.  All final payments are to be paid at the time of the notice.  In case of non-payment, legal actions my be taken and the parents will pay all legal fees incurred.
I will also give 2 weeks notice if the child is to be terminated from care.  Parents will be responsible for payments of the last 2 weeks at the time of the notice. 
Any abuse or violation of the rules/policies of the contract/handbook may lead to immediate termination.
Including following:
 -Behavior problems (destructive or hurtful behavior of child that persists even with parents cooperation in stopping the behavior).  
 -Dangerous parental situations/ Parents not being responsible of their children (keeping time, etc.)
 -Non-payment of Childcare fees, late and /or recurring late payment fees.
 -Failure to show up without any communication for more than two days.
 -Blatant disrespect toward provider or provider’s family.
 -Parents knowingly bringing their child ill.

Special Holidays/Birthdays
We will celebrate special holidays such as Halloween, Valentines Day and etc.  Parents can provide treats for these parties with prior consent.
We try to make every child feel extra special on their birthday.  We will plan a special birthday surprise.  Parents are always welcome to join.  You can bring cupcakes or a cake, so your child can share with his/her friends with prior consent.

Just for Parents
We will offer a special “Parents night out”.This is especially important for parents to spend time together “alone”.  Happy parents equal happy children! =) I will offer to parents 1-2 weeks in advance.  Care will be provided for your children from 6Pm-10Pm.  They will be served dinner and snack, have plenty of activities, and watch a children movie of their choice.  Limited to one parent per month.
Policy Revisions

Policies, procedures, contracts, fees, forms and new regulations may be reviewed and updated periodically.  I will notify parents in writing of any changes or revisions made.  These changes will take place immediately and all previous forms will become obsolete. 

As a parent I know that searching for a quality daycare is very important and not so easy, which is one of my main reasons for starting Playtime At Nayna's.  I really want to offer a quality daycare with flexible hours(that work around parents schedules), affordable costs , and not have to worry about forgetting to pack meals or snacks.
For the children I wanted to give them the opportunity to enjoy learning, making friends, feeling special, loved and part of our family. 

*Referrals from a family would be one of the biggest compliments I can receive. 

Thank you in advance for giving me a one time chance to touch the future and help make a difference by changing the world one child at a time.  And being proud to say “I am a Child Care Provider!”

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